Nestled in the heart of a thriving East Gippsland village e, this established bakery and coffee shop represents a lucrative opportunity for the aspiring baker/entrepreneur. With robust annual 7 figure turnover, this business has strong and consistent performance with further growth potential.
Located in vibrant regional town - Cann River - 3 Hours Canberra 5 Hours Melbourne Long established business offered for sale - motivated owners have purchased another Business Only Bakery in town offering fresh grab and go high value / margin products Impressive Sales: Consistently high revenue, with well over $1 million in annual sales for the past 3 financial years. Elite Profit Margin: Excellent profit margins indicative of efficient operations and premium pricing power. Long Flexible Lease available Ideal family setting with P-12 school and community services - Modern 3 BR House adjoining - separate lease Stylish Retail Establishment: Perfectly located and stylish retail outlet, with fully equipped café and refrigerated display cabinets. Dedicated Team: A skilled and loyal team to ensure business continuity. Professional Equipment: High-quality, well-maintained bakery equipment for top-tier production.
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